Synergy Creative Co

Premium Website Hosting & Maintenance

Stay visible, stay up-to-date, stay safe

We protect your website 24/7

Keeping your website up-to-date with changing technology and software can significantly impact the online presence of your business. Don’t be left behind because of an underperforming website.

We understand that as a business owner you often wear many hats, and keeping on top of web hosting and maintenance, can be an additional squeeze on your time and energy.

That’s why we’ve created our web hosting and maintenance packages. We keep your website safe from security threats vulnerabilities and potential loss of revenue, so you can get back to doing business!

Elements of Our Web Hosting & Maintenance Service


Every website requires hosting – this is where your website files are stored. A good web host, keeps your files secure and serves them quickly to visitors who land on your website. This is essential for providing a good user experience and for search result rankings. 


Website security is a vital part of any business. Regular security maintenance helps to avoid malicious attacks and keep your website running smoothly. It also helps keep you and your visitors safe by preventing unauthorised administration access.


Updating your website regularly is important for search engine optimisation. It ensures that your website is performing at its best and is user friendly for visitors. It also keeps your website safe from security vulnerabilities that can arise from outdated software or software incompatibilities.


Your website is a precious asset that you can’t avoid to loose once you have. There are many reasons your site can crash and cause data loss. Therefore it’s important to ensure regular daily backups are made to avoid losing irreplaceable data. Our regular backups ensure your site is ready to be restored at the click of a button.

Web Hosting & Maintenance FAQs

Like most things, websites require care and attention in the form of regular software updates and security monitoring. If you aren’t interested in maintaining your website, you really need to invest in ongoing maintenance. If you don’t, your website will break at some time in the future (which is NOT ideal!).

Yes. We have a selection of hosting and web maintenance packages to choose from.

If you would prefer to maintain your own website, you can opt for our hosting only package. 

Yes! We offer support to help fix issues when they occur so that you can continue running your business with minimal disruption. We also regularly monitor your website for potential threats and updates.

Every website, such as this one your on now, has a number of files associated with it. These files need to be stored on a server so that people can retrieve them when they type in your website url (domain name).

The ‘storing’ process exists in the form of a lease to a hosting company where there is an ongoing annual cost to keep them there. If the fees aren’t page, the website won’t be displayed to potential customers. This is what we refer to as the website hosting cost. 

At Synergy Creative Co, we use private Australian servers located in Sydney or Melbourne, for all our Australian-focused clients. 

Absolutely – that’s the beauty of the digital world. As long as your website is a WordPress website, we will work with you to arrange this service.

A ‘change’ is considered to be any change to the existing content, including everything from text, images and layout. We have allowed for some content updates/changes within some of our maintenance packages. If we believe your request will exceed the allocation, we will discuss this with you before moving ahead so that you don’t receive any unexpected fees.

3 Reasons to Work with Us

1. FLEXIBLE MONTHLY PACKAGES – We offer a range of flexible monthly packages with no lock-in contracts (although 30 days cancellation notice is greatly appreciated!).

2. REDUCED SECURITY RISKS – We reduce the risk of attacks on your website by hackers trying to gain admin access to your site and infect it will viruses and malware. 

3. GREATER UPTIME – We ensure your website continues to function at its best, servicing your clients and your business.

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